Satan’s Furry Worshiper SCORE 110

Tiny teacup pug SCORE 11

Finally A Tie Worth Wearing SCORE 7

Pure gold SCORE 211

A Thanksgiving Message Gone Wrong SCORE -8

Life advice SCORE 127

Your favorite lesbian. SCORE 175

Ready for a night in SCORE 14

That Moment When You Don’t Feel Well SCORE 8

Is this what we have come to?! SCORE 112

This guy was Oscar material as a kid SCORE 156

She took my breath away SCORE 194

Pakalu papito SCORE 135

When Your Parents Don't Turn On The Heat SCORE 8

Outer Space Non-Toxic Themed Bath SCORE 10

Brilliant Anti-Stress Idea SCORE 12

Forgotten train tracks and tunnel on the outskirts of Tokyo. SCORE 14

When The Weekend Starts SCORE 11

Sloth Snuggles SCORE 8

Tasty science. SCORE 168

Beautiful steampunk guitar SCORE 8

Foundation Makeup Brush SCORE 100

When you accidentally turn on your front-facing camera SCORE 15

Ultra Comfiness Achieved SCORE 13

Mario & Luigi SCORE 126

Cat tolerates little humans nap time SCORE 144

Beware The Cucumbers SCORE 15

The Art Of Trolling Starts At A Young Age SCORE 185

Working a desk job. SCORE 8

Soft Dalek, Happy Dalek SCORE 6

If People Just Looked At The Stars SCORE 101

Nutella Donut Milkshake SCORE 9