Dragons Trees Socotra yemen SCORE 96

Looking For Love in all the Wrong Places SCORE 38

Tumblr Gets Too Real SCORE 77

Like Father, Like Son SCORE 97

102 year-old woman asks to be arrested, hand-cuffed, put in a squad car to check off a bucket list item! SCORE 139

Stormtrooper Selfie SCORE 91

the magic pick-up line SCORE 109

Aww SCORE 76

Long Story Short… SCORE 69

stop-motion with wood SCORE 107

He is on a mission! SCORE 97

No fences SCORE 103

Steamrolling a golf ball SCORE 118

Problem solved SCORE 89

More paintings should be gifs. SCORE 123

Oooooh… shiny! SCORE 105

I’m not good under pressure… SCORE 75

It’s not easy to be the leader SCORE 106

At least he’s honest! SCORE 104

Tales from Dollah Gen’ral SCORE 117

Prehistoric Travels SCORE 156

When you’re a 30 y/o man and realize you can decorate however you want SCORE 81

Mark Twain and kitten in NYC in 1907 SCORE 85

Pom-pom Crab! SCORE 81

Meanwhile in Ireland…. SCORE 86

I’m Gonna Be So Good At Huggin’ SCORE 88

Dabadeedabatiger (sorry not sorry) SCORE 92

College is so fun OMG SCORE 98

Bag o’ bones SCORE 79

If A Strange Man Says… SCORE 136

Yao Ming fighting the good fight SCORE 150

Reality of life SCORE 106