Don’t Worry Piggy SCORE 8

Little girl pranked by Mom SCORE 2

Shocked kitten SCORE 9

The Faces Behind The Most Popular Disney Characters SCORE 10

Just Basking In Butterflies SCORE 13

Accurate SCORE 149

Thought Provoking SCORE 197

Let Fate Do The Work SCORE 12

*quiet Steve gasp* SCORE 15

Ground Hog Day Sequel SCORE 208

I would pay to read it SCORE 14

Tim Burton’s Avengers SCORE 13

cuteness level: 99 SCORE 128

They are cold, they have no Momma to sit under SCORE 15

So…….How do I look? SCORE 15

"Why do you love owl city?" SCORE 248

This lady confused industrial spray foam for shampoo and tried washing her hair. SCORE 10

World’s Biggest Horse SCORE 15

The Only Thing You’ll Need SCORE 13

This is oddly soothing. SCORE 9

Good cops are awesome SCORE 307

Dazzling Domino Designs! SCORE 5

Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life? SCORE 160

Just Marvel stuff SCORE 146

Ami and Claire’s Mural SCORE -2

Cut from a single piece of black paper SCORE 150

Is It David Tennant? SCORE 228

It’s Every Single Night SCORE 13

I think all girls relate to this SCORE 143

Sleeping baby skunk SCORE 9

That’s why I like dogs. SCORE 9

Oh Canada, you never cease to amaze me SCORE 149