don’t you care? SCORE 10

It’s A Reality, People SCORE 98

This Has To be The Coolest Mascot SCORE 136

When everyone laughs at your joke SCORE 14

Why horse hoofcare is a big deal SCORE 87

Picky eaters SCORE 157

The scariest story ever told SCORE 112

Apparently she doesn't appreciate puns SCORE 141

Skilled Ninja Otter SCORE 12

Doge SCORE -18

too soon? SCORE 129

Possums. How do they work? SCORE 163

Vegans be like… SCORE 127

How Cruel Of Them SCORE 11

Some day SCORE 104

Gorgeous And Colorful SCORE 7

The Thing That Screws Us Up Most In Life SCORE 112

The Floor Is Lava, Kitty Edition SCORE 111

Kids Are The Best SCORE 110

Feel the Bern SCORE 8

Strangely Satisfying SCORE 4

Even better SCORE 176

If this doesn’t cheer you up I dunno what will SCORE 13

Being In Your Mid Twenties SCORE 169

What SCORE 13

Clothes in college SCORE 176

How I imagine a company receives my resume SCORE 131

Don’t Mess With This Dude SCORE 12

You must be 6′ to join the Dark Side SCORE 148

I Totally Understand The Burglars SCORE 123

Gif Or Jif? SCORE 15

Sleeping With A Woman And Dog SCORE 1