Handing a dandelion to the First Lady. SCORE 31

Bring, commas, back, SCORE 26

Do you even breakfast? SCORE 33

You tell’em, Leeroy. SCORE 17

You know it’s true. SCORE 19


Big wrecking ball. SCORE 33

Trees win sometimes, too. SCORE 18

Welcome back, old friend. SCORE 18

True to form. SCORE 22

We’re in it for a long time, not a good time. SCORE 31

Somebody made an Remote Controlled COVID19 cell, and they are driving through a group of Anti Lockdown protestors in the US SCORE 27

And what about cloudy days? SCORE 28

…and then I try and eat it again SCORE 17

We’re gonna need another deck! SCORE 20

Yea, that’s exactly right. SCORE 15

I will bite you tho SCORE 21

Some say it’s a calling… SCORE 18

Mini-5g antenna. SCORE 19

Having a good day, are we? SCORE 37

Except for that one guy… he just curled up in to a ball and cried. SCORE 25

Retail is hell SCORE 23

We are the patience. SCORE 24

Get this person a promotion. SCORE 24

Karen needs to work on her proof reading… SCORE 20

Dang, she seemed like such a sweetheart. SCORE 26

Watch me follow the traditions of my ancestry. – Danger Bun. SCORE 28

Did I even ask you? SCORE 15

Unexpected throw down. SCORE 30

The Mystique cosplay mid merge SCORE 33

Lighthouse in Iceland OR extreme quarintine. SCORE 24

This post did not age well SCORE 16