What would you do for a Klondike Bar? SCORE 121

Pinguecula (1931) SCORE 50

How politics work. SCORE 123

What’s sleep? SCORE 93

I’ll just put this here. SCORE 11

Cookie Monster Batman. SCORE 21

Burn! SCORE 249

Hey Jasmine! SCORE 248

Helpful Advice #11: Planning SCORE 1

Cats are jerks. SCORE 45

Just a baby donkey… in casts. SCORE 50

What a college diploma really means. SCORE 99

we believe in barack obama, he loves you and loves your mama SCORE 19

Wishes. SCORE 112

How to troll your girlfriend. SCORE 131

Unsolved mystery. SCORE 106

Road signs for seniors vs. road signs for teens. SCORE 41

Helpful Advice #738: Hothead SCORE 2

He has no idea what he’s doing SCORE 21

Burn! SCORE 216

The human jukebox. SCORE 79

Beard growing expectations vs. reality. SCORE 77

Dad of the year award goes to… SCORE 102

oh nostalgia… SCORE 240

Seal SCORE 28

Text etiquette. SCORE 74

Being sick. SCORE 140

Helpful Advice #393: Profound SCORE 4

Sadly accurate. SCORE 77

Prophetic 1995 Student Internet PSA. SCORE 50

Call the lawyers. SCORE 154

Towards a grand unification of cutlery. SCORE 70