Accurate. SCORE 126

Seems legit. SCORE 212

Like a sir. SCORE 151

What really happened at the Oscars. SCORE 89

Trust issues SCORE 113

Wut? SCORE 168

Deal with it. SCORE 177

A horse hears the news. SCORE 89

When girls get their hair cut vs. when guys get their hair cut. SCORE 110

Sonic’s secret. SCORE 233

Cotton candy. SCORE 6

Pretty much. SCORE 219

How I fill out my application forms SCORE 6

Animals and their stuffed friends. SCORE 185

Smiles are contagious. SCORE 155

Amount in bag vs. deliciousness. SCORE 152

Trollololo. SCORE 206

Ouch. SCORE -55

Joe seems awesome. SCORE 234

Approaching maximum beard. SCORE 130

Scumbag cats. SCORE 122

This deer loves you. SCORE 172

I’m drooling just thinking about it. SCORE 105

Russian doll Pokemon. SCORE 152

Whenever I talk to a girl. SCORE 199

Puppies. SCORE 162

Me trying to learn Spanish SCORE 218

Cat petting zones SCORE 5

Mike the headless chicken. SCORE 29

Because, reasons. SCORE 110

Everyone needs a friend. SCORE 420

Puppies! SCORE 108