Please be troll SCORE 15
The tiniest puppy! SCORE 163
How I convince myself to get out of bed. SCORE 187
Asexual problems. SCORE 225
Dogs vs. cats. SCORE 9
Russia’s reaction when an asteroid is about to destroy Earth. SCORE 249
Accurate. SCORE 197
Go to your room, young lady! SCORE 138
Womb service. SCORE 309
Oh Beyonce SCORE 8
Hello? Yes, this is Cat. SCORE 104
Poor Daniel. SCORE 367
My favorite day. SCORE 205
We kill the Pacman. SCORE 167
What I do before I run. SCORE 166
The Bible. SCORE 39
Alien logic. SCORE 253
You got anything real? SCORE 253
Restroom Spiderman. SCORE 132
A guide to doing anything. SCORE 105
Linked in SCORE 116
I don’t always brush my tongue… SCORE 168
Dave Grohl problems. SCORE 274
Hey guys! What’s up!? SCORE 204
Avada Kedavra! SCORE 357
Peep-Hole Moody. SCORE 192
Whenever I go to the movies. SCORE 178
Puppy! SCORE 166
Harlem Shake Classroom Edition (Venezuela) SCORE -2
Why I know so much about the female body and pregnancy. SCORE 127
literally me SCORE 1
To this day. SCORE 144