Enjoy more liminal spaces. SCORE 37

The original sign explaining how to turn on an electric light. SCORE 30

This sign in Thailand SCORE 32

The painting of an artificial eye. SCORE 15

Please, Papi? SCORE 21

Plant one, cut one. SCORE 12

This compromise is acceptable. SCORE 25

It’s toasted! SCORE 11

I’m not sure which one is fake news… SCORE 21

New fridge has sabbath mode… SCORE 26

Imagine getting upset over flowers… SCORE 33

Landlords give the best gifts. SCORE 34

Apparently my Roomba mountain climbs when I’m not home… SCORE 26

How am I just now seeing this?! SCORE 21

Too sad for pants SCORE 31

Target is good at advertising. SCORE 26

Wedding fun has never been funner. SCORE 27

Me too bud, me too… SCORE 24

Rise and Shine !! SCORE 23

Now kiss…? SCORE 10

All crabs deserve the knowledge. SCORE 23

Texting in the 80s and 90s SCORE 21

Worlds tallest outdoor elevator on the side of a huge cliff in China SCORE 21

Employee beware… SCORE 25

I’d take care the beast… SCORE 18

It changed me in ways I do not understand. SCORE 26

With all of our powers combined… SCORE 17

When in traffic… SCORE 26

Wake it and shake it. SCORE 23

When advertising mimics art. SCORE 23

It’s a collectors item. SCORE 25

G’day, Gary… SCORE 24