My mother warned me about getting into golf carts with strange men… SCORE 147

I’m not even mad. SCORE 352

What’s the difference between a Hummer and a porcupine? SCORE 217

The pressure of society SCORE 27

Some sort of sweaty pedophile SCORE 371

Future editing! SCORE 13

Scumbag Friends SCORE 7

meow SCORE 184

Cucco Airlines SCORE 22

Mexican Immigrants SCORE 7

You’re doing it right. SCORE 283

Only In America… SCORE 9

Nooooo! SCORE 353

Start to Pull Away & Live Your Own Life and You Never Know What May Happen SCORE 16

Low Rider SCORE 424

Most terrifying memory of my childhood. SCORE 186

2 Slow, 2 Curious SCORE 89

young stephen hawking SCORE 11

Girls that wear makeup to the gym. SCORE 163

Like a sir. SCORE 117

Apparently not immortal. SCORE 102

Acing finals SCORE 299

Sometimes I’m hilarious. SCORE 611

Do want. SCORE 216

Cat lying position terminology. SCORE 116

If I fits… SCORE 112

Exactly. SCORE 235

Beautiful… Just Beautiful… SCORE 23

Twist! SCORE 345

It’s not about the nail. SCORE 102

Love Dat Honeybadger. SCORE 121

Nailed it. SCORE 278