One trip is for suckers SCORE 130

Proper reaction SCORE 8

Yep, We Went Through A Lot SCORE 15

Trying To Catch Up SCORE 140

Dark Side Dad Jokes SCORE 110

Doggie day SCORE 178

The Kimono Dragon SCORE 121

Lions Are Really Good Fathers SCORE 150

How I Sleep SCORE 9

The worst kind of person SCORE 13

What Volcanoes Actually Are SCORE 9

Natural selection at work SCORE -6

Oh No, It’s A Shark SCORE 113

Alabama Football Fans SCORE 112

Hurt in a Car? SCORE -2

The Very Rare Dog-Shark SCORE 124

These 10 Hacks Will Make You Seem Like A Math Genius SCORE -1

a college “bachelor” parody SCORE 0

#StopTacoOppression SCORE 118

Glass Bottom Floor SCORE 6

Nic Cage Suit SCORE 17

These are the people you need in life SCORE 19

Shower Curtain SCORE 12

Signs Of Book Addiction SCORE 121

Best Karate Instructor Ever SCORE 7

Two wrongs apparently do make a right SCORE 134

When I realise it's called afternoon because it's after noon SCORE 5

This Dog Is A Brilliant Genius SCORE 135

That Precious Feeling SCORE 140

Musical Humor SCORE 19

Pancake made in a rice cooker is a beautiful thing. SCORE 112

All Labs Matter! SCORE 14