How Real Couples Sleep SCORE 14

Me in real life SCORE 171

Cool circuit board nails SCORE 139

True Love Can Last A Life SCORE 231

That's my spot SCORE 109

What young Forrest and young Jenny from Forrest Gump look like today SCORE 13

He Kept It Real SCORE 12

all the time SCORE 187

Get the salt! SCORE 8

Beautiful trees created by unravelling ropes SCORE 120

Just another cool summer video to remind you how lame your life is SCORE 16

Kids’ Prom Pics SCORE 15

True Mother’s Love SCORE 156

Biggest Whoopee Cushion, Wait For The Reaction SCORE 122

The cook who burns SCORE 15

Such A Tough Choice SCORE 8

College professors SCORE 173

I Wish They Were My Uncles SCORE 179

Chat Takes Unexpected Turn SCORE 181

Violated SCORE 2

I Need This Man’s Job SCORE 150

That twist at the end SCORE 205

Not even safe in your own home SCORE 169

Sex ed SCORE 10

Cat Gets A Haircut SCORE 14

What year is it? SCORE 158

Learning to jump SCORE 160

Extremely white people will understand SCORE 11

Amazing Biomechanical Tattoo SCORE 7

Just Smile And Wave Boys SCORE 168

Charleston Strong SCORE 155

How to draw Pikachu SCORE 5