if you thought crocs couldn’t get uglier… SCORE 15
Miniature Moos SCORE 149
Hey Look, A Penny SCORE 13
When I Have Kids Someday SCORE 15
Use this, or Santa is getting you a dictionary for Christmas. SCORE 9
Modern painting SCORE 11
Being a Gentleman is a matter of choice SCORE 172
Look At Me I’m Fierce SCORE 13
This is how I destroy my relationship SCORE 145
Girl asks astronauts how to be an astronaut SCORE 212
Spoiler cat is hungry SCORE 9
Life Without Timekeeping SCORE 146
Every time I check the news SCORE 106
Best Way To Wait For The Delivery Guy SCORE 151
Came across this hilarious girl SCORE 171
Who Needs It Anyway? SCORE 9
True Art In A Leaf SCORE 15
Just Counting With Corgis SCORE 7
Spider-Man’s Superpower SCORE 132
The Future Of A Bully SCORE 167
When Someone Asks Me About My Weekend SCORE 15
Best idea if you happen to go on a trip SCORE 152
Indeed SCORE 136
Behind the famous mask SCORE 7
What you think next defines who you are. SCORE 236
shamelessly plugging my friend’s video SCORE -14
when my foot falls asleep SCORE -4
Not this again SCORE 189
Some helpful tips if you visit the united states SCORE 132
Confused Butterfly SCORE 151
Life after high school SCORE 16
All the feels SCORE 205