Accurate. SCORE 117

This happens too often. SCORE 163

That’s racist. SCORE -5

i’ll never look at tire swings the same way again… SCORE 130

Sherlock can’t even kill Sherlock. SCORE 278

Screenshot Cake SCORE 184

Happiness. SCORE 150

Yes please! SCORE 23

I can’t believe it’s more unbelievable spreads! SCORE 16

Curious cats. SCORE 20

The good, the bad and the ugly. SCORE -3

I was hoping for a pizza… SCORE -4

Oh Doctor! SCORE 223

Who’s Your favorite? SCORE 183

Pentagonal Oranges SCORE 178

Do you want to know how I got these scars? SCORE -3

Beauty Comes in all shapes and sizes SCORE 232

Cristo and Serious Sting. SCORE 282

Deal with it. SCORE 130

Scumbag brothers SCORE 250

I couldn’t have said it better myself! SCORE 28

Recent breakup, and this just happened.. SCORE 184

Yep. SCORE 25

Shoot it! SCORE 12

I see what you did there… SCORE 136

Just because you haven’t got it all figured out… SCORE 221

I’m not racist, but… SCORE 158

hyopthesis SCORE 0

Misha on his kids. SCORE 286

No one seems to understand how happy this makes me! SCORE 212

War. SCORE 18

*Crying* SCORE 30