After one summer of owning a boat. SCORE 82
Whenever I’m really hungry. SCORE 219
Scumbag Santa. SCORE 106
How I watch TV shows. SCORE 203
Finals SCORE 347
Going down? SCORE 150
How I feel about christmas. SCORE -35
In the beginning. SCORE 253
They’d be a hit. SCORE 164
Taxis of the world. SCORE 127
Now let me get this straight… SCORE 202
Nothing is worse… SCORE 317
Teach that lettuce a lesson! SCORE 111
Lemme in! SCORE 163
People that set off my car alarm. SCORE 190
Hey guys… SCORE 61
Whoa, Carl! SCORE 158
Oh Tardar Sause :) SCORE 21
Close your eyes and it will be alright. SCORE 148
Is everything ok? SCORE 259
A snoring humming bird. SCORE 102
Behold Yarnia! SCORE 167
The number 12. SCORE 242
Being a reindeer is ok. SCORE 413
Scumbag Nike. SCORE 121
The reality of ballet. SCORE 194
Space Whale SCORE 198
Depression is a flaw in chemistry not character. SCORE 349
Tree rape is real. SCORE 296
Guess who plays trombone? SCORE 10
Let the dog decide. SCORE 266