How to win your crush SCORE 7

What Is That? Oh No It’s Bananas SCORE 10

I feel power like I’ve never felt before. SCORE 14

Are you taken? SCORE 14

What does 'gay' mean? SCORE -1

I need these SCORE 105

No you hang up first SCORE 16

Now that’s advertising! SCORE 141

An autobiography SCORE 11

Life is unfair SCORE 161

Daddy’s little helper SCORE 8

1983 Screenshot SCORE 13

How to climb a ladder SCORE 76

Get a boyfriend in 2 easy steps SCORE 105

Showering SCORE 130

Big-dog anatomy SCORE 99

So What Came First In The Orange Conundrum? SCORE 12

When you're not invited SCORE 7

Just The Card I Needed SCORE 7

He has certainly done more than me SCORE 10

To the people who design websites for restaurants SCORE 138

Flying the Mexican flag from the top of Trump Tower SCORE 213

I Don’t Understand Why The Idea is Radical… SCORE 10

God did this to cats SCORE 113

Shark food… SCORE 9

It really does SCORE 141

Well that’s embarrassing… SCORE 132

The order of the Phoenix SCORE -7

A concept precious few people grasp SCORE -9


Fabric SCORE 9

Favorite Spring Time Game SCORE 9