Rainy Days SCORE 182

Don't leave your phone at church SCORE 214

She Makes A Terrific Point SCORE 242

Crochet cactus SCORE 11

The irony is just too sad SCORE 12

Count me out SCORE 5

John Green is Awesome SCORE 249

How to Write a Blog Post: Cook Your Texty Cake with a Chef SCORE -3

They're not wrong SCORE 203

Shutthefuckupcake SCORE 7

The burn ward rises SCORE 191

What They Really Found In The Trunk SCORE 11

Book Smell SCORE 160

She can still hear him SCORE 180

The Season Treason SCORE 120

Kids Ruin Everything SCORE 10

*mind explodes* SCORE 180

What will George R.R. Martin do next? SCORE 194

Engineering SCORE 197

Getting A Tax Refund SCORE 12

Whatever you do don't put it on SCORE 238

Lamb, I Am Your Father SCORE 170

No Make-Up For Boys SCORE 236

That’s How You Take A Penalty Kick SCORE 155

Dog nails the Spider-Man kiss SCORE 9

Summer Is Coming, A Game Of Foams SCORE 9

Sounds About Right SCORE 13

Shining, Shimmering, Splendid SCORE 16

How I Met Your Mother Cast then and now. Robin totally kicked time's ass SCORE 9

Fun fact SCORE 12

I wish rap artists made cereal SCORE 9

My favorite scene from The Office SCORE 13