50 shades of terrible characterisation SCORE 127

Our existence is truly miraculous SCORE 107

Do you want rabies? Because this is how you get rabies… SCORE 78

Electric company uses flamethrowing drones to clear ice off of power lines SCORE 82

Charged $39.35 to hold your own baby SCORE 91

Topographical inspired wooden sink SCORE 86

On the catwalk SCORE 120

1960s Batman was dope AF SCORE 141

You’re Incredibly Strong. Your Skin Is Pale… SCORE 106

Ultra hydrophobic sand SCORE 129

A sweet couple. SCORE 155

this is some bullshit SCORE 53


People be so dumb. SCORE 162

He spits the truth. SCORE 142

Its a terrible show SCORE 133

A bible store in Kansas has trouble understanding the meaning of this quote SCORE 143

Ban the banned books list SCORE 205

What a woman SCORE 135

Every. Single. Time. SCORE 57

He was in a pinch SCORE 89

In honor of… SCORE 69

George Lucas after the initial backlash to the Prequel Trilogy SCORE 103

Can’t put my finger on it SCORE 214

True SCORE 143

Wait, I changed my mind SCORE 59

Nicobar Pigeon SCORE 112

Good boy SCORE 72

No rodent is safe SCORE 96

You should say something else. SCORE 63

A kid got caught at school selling bags of Cheetos for .25/bag. SCORE 53

Hell Yeah, Brother! SCORE 115