kurtduds isn’t wrong SCORE 30

i guess both teams weren’t having fun SCORE 17

please stop SCORE 17

i’ll do it tomorrow SCORE 9

stupidly brilliant SCORE 22

breathe in, breathe out SCORE 15

and he’s still blurry in photos SCORE 18

don’t be shallow SCORE 18

that’s not a real fish? SCORE 23

i’m hideous SCORE 6

it’s a social experiment SCORE 17

he learned his lesson the hard way SCORE 20

i’m going ham tonight SCORE 5

don’t let the anger turn into hate SCORE 13

vertigo SCORE 7

no one your day better than you! SCORE 6

dig in mittens SCORE 24

cats just know somehow SCORE 28

save first, fail to find the file later SCORE 15

bring them back SCORE 35

bagpipes are a battle cry SCORE 40

he looks like he’s seen some things SCORE 22

i just… can’t SCORE 30

it alternates SCORE 25

i lied to myself SCORE 19

it’s science SCORE 18

goodbye my queen SCORE 11

some words just suck SCORE 8

puppy love SCORE 22

whatever it takes SCORE 20

always cook before serving SCORE 28

rock and roll! SCORE 18