KenM on cheese bread SCORE 91
Staying loyal is a matter of survival SCORE 142
Grandpa Eugene had professional pictures taken of himself for his Christmas cards. SCORE 149
Siberian farm cat. SCORE 73
This rock in New Zealand SCORE 75
Sharing is caring SCORE 85
(.)(.) SCORE 95
If You Start Watching Shrek On December 31st…. SCORE 105
Tis the season. SCORE 51
Seems fair… SCORE 154
A modern day philosopher SCORE 125
I did this. SCORE 208
The entire Sonic Forces playthrough SCORE 123
‘Tis the season SCORE 155
Bo Brutal Burnham. SCORE 146
No one can escape the Rick Roll. Not even God. SCORE 124
Can’t mess with the son of a shepherd. SCORE 113
This is the best church sign I’ve seen this holiday season. SCORE 109
"How do you giggle in French?" SCORE 121
n00bs SCORE 62
I hope they took that right turn SCORE 83
Lifehacks that will save your life. SCORE 95
Hollaa SCORE 48
God given talent. SCORE 128
If Jesus was born today! SCORE 84
The Christmas Miracle SCORE 87
It’s more of a savory soda… SCORE 56
This Is Ralph. It’s His First Time Out In Public.. SCORE 155
Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. SCORE 132
Can’t really be mad at the guy tho… SCORE 52
Me after The Last Jedi SCORE 79