Guilty SCORE 153

Every morning. :D SCORE 7

The problem with the future SCORE 15

‘Murica. SCORE 4

I will never look at my cat’s paws the same. SCORE 6

Funny Cat Jealous of the New Teddy Bear SCORE 4

Forgiveness. SCORE 10

Theiyr’re SCORE 11

Anna’s coffee. SCORE 182

Friends SCORE 13

Damn that Mr. Vaccine being so right! SCORE 278

Trolling at McDonald’s. SCORE 196

Love. SCORE 210

Would steal again SCORE 198

911 emergency. SCORE 156


Engrish.com tho SCORE 20

A cat’s life. SCORE 148

My favorite book? SCORE 140

i am cat; you are bed SCORE 13

Just some facts. SCORE 136

Yeah we’ve seen it before Stephen…wait..what?! SCORE 13

Petrichor. SCORE 13

The chosen one. SCORE 201

Listen when the universe is telling you something… SCORE 278

Emma Watson is a miracle worker. SCORE 12

Rhinoceroses SCORE 445

Words SCORE 174

The Best Description of Doctor Who Ever Given SCORE 6

Pringles ftw SCORE 208

Both adorable in their own way. SCORE 195

Pure bliss. SCORE 104