Everyone Says Canadians Are Lovely People SCORE 208

If Words Suddenly Appeared On Your Skin SCORE 8

Some Words Of Wisdom To Live By SCORE 113

How to receive 5 stars as an Uber driver SCORE 9

Cats Who Got Stuck In Things SCORE 112

Attack of the 8-bit Yeti SCORE 13

She must have been a diva SCORE 96

They probably deserved it SCORE 15

You have not provided me with a body SCORE 11

If I Were A Famous Star SCORE 167

Alternative Names We Should Use SCORE 90

Its painful how well this portrays life SCORE 150

Life in one photo. SCORE 140

Awesome Hair Dye SCORE 8

The Suite Life of London the super confused witch SCORE 189

Day 12, They Still Think I’m A Husky SCORE 14

Minion pumpkins SCORE 146

Gavin The Ridiculously Photogenic Fish SCORE 220

Mystery solved SCORE 126

Ghost hug! SCORE 10

WARNING: Super strong language SCORE 14

If Only I Could Be A Unicorn SCORE 10

Opening lines from great movies SCORE 7

Flu season is here, protect yourself SCORE 16


Walmart vs Target SCORE 185

The Power Of Bohemian Rhapsody SCORE 123

I’m Rather Offended By That SCORE 145

Kanye takes a stand SCORE 98

Good Luck Figuring It Out SCORE 150

Chionophile SCORE 12

Nature’s 3D Printers SCORE 117