When you own a cat. SCORE 90

if hunger games went Disney… SCORE 261

Hover animals. SCORE 159

Surprise! SCORE 64

Disney Princess Leia SCORE 8

Poor Bruce. SCORE 186

RIP Richard Griffiths, the perfect Vernon Dursley. SCORE 272

TV these days. SCORE 116

I hate when this happens. SCORE 309

Cos B SCORE 16

hipster princesses SCORE 143

This would actually be pretty awesome. SCORE 133

When boys are like a brother to you. SCORE 91

Dogs are smart. SCORE 216

You’re doing it right. SCORE 299

That didn’t work… SCORE -1

Careful what you wish for. SCORE 214

Clever girl. SCORE 26

That did not go as planned. SCORE 133

How much I love my sixpack… SCORE 203

When someone walks by and they smell really nice. SCORE 129

Scar! Brother! SCORE 228

Whenever anyone tells me to smile and I’m in a bad mood. SCORE 153

The case of the disappearing Chapstick. SCORE 180

The reverse pick-pocketer. SCORE 116

Trust fall! SCORE 144

The Walking Dead is Toy Story. SCORE 289

Pun! SCORE 194

Can’t reach a nail? Juggle hammer it!!! SCORE 212

I could watch this all day. SCORE 154

Whenever I turn on shuffle. SCORE 157

These kitties are naturals. SCORE 128