It’s going to be difficult to successfully breed those lions SCORE 218
Who else needs it? SCORE 170
Awesome Skeleton Rings SCORE 14
Defying Gravity Like A Boss SCORE 122
Seinfeld has a great idea SCORE 16
When I Hear People Saying It’s Unnatural SCORE -1
Bonsai apple tree growing a full-sized apple SCORE 176
For the love of neopolitan! SCORE 177
Send someone down, I dare you SCORE 103
School, class, & finals SCORE 9
"Processing" SCORE 152
These Creatures Are Huge SCORE 180
He’s getting closer. SCORE 172
Back to class moment SCORE 4
Oddly Inspirational SCORE 12
Will you play with me? SCORE 12
It worked SCORE 225
Why do seals swim in salt water. SCORE 12
This Donald Trump painting is so realistic. SCORE 15
That wasn’t any old lighter.. SCORE 178
Well I'm glad this terrifying pit into the abyss is wheelchair accessible SCORE 155
Tiny Baby Fennec Fox SCORE 12
jim carrey SCORE 187
IPhone docking station won't work SCORE 116
Amazing sand sculpture SCORE 16
Sniff, Sniff…Greg, Is That You? SCORE 8
Recognizable In Any Form SCORE 116
Let’s Tie The Knot SCORE 12
It was the milkman SCORE 156
Jealous Siri SCORE 157
Useless but useful inventions SCORE 148
Why do men always get to have all the fun?! SCORE 10