Oh how the tables have turned SCORE 115

Belly buttons for everyone! SCORE 51

Dog named spot SCORE 100

Wall Mural, NYC SCORE 128

Catfight SCORE 61

I’ve been dropping these around town SCORE 37

The Alpacalypse has Begun SCORE 107

When parents lie SCORE 83

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air at the Playboy mansion SCORE 51

This Is Nature, Son SCORE 108

Female Medieval Armor inspired fashion SCORE 121

Puppy joins Ministry of Silly Walk SCORE 90

Barks and Recreation SCORE 107

Fall displayed in one puddle. SCORE 137

These Dogs Work In Courtrooms SCORE 130

These Eagles Look Like They’re Hatching A Plan… SCORE 108

Remember now? SCORE 133

The Future Of Gaming SCORE 105

Broomplay SCORE 183

Why dogs shouldn’t play poker SCORE 102

You have MY vote! SCORE 106

Genius teacher SCORE 151

Happiness is a warm puppy. SCORE 96

Nailed it. SCORE 87

Coming out SCORE 126

I don’t always play fetch, but when I do, I never bring the ball back SCORE 66

Pro Life Tip SCORE 94

PS4 vs Nintendo Switch SCORE 95

Scavenger Hunt SCORE 25

Met some cute kids in Chiang Mai SCORE 86

My heated blanket… that breathes loudly. SCORE 111

Look, it’s you! SCORE 148