cat conversation SCORE 10
ducked up parenting SCORE 8
lobbying groups SCORE 1
loads of scum SCORE 16
papaw SCORE 14
limewire whoopsie SCORE 25
lean mean jean machine SCORE 16
growing pains SCORE 18
pay2skin SCORE 18
dabbing denial SCORE 32
moderate humor SCORE 27
overt operations SCORE 13
un-restroom SCORE 17
playing quarterback SCORE 15
lit-heresy SCORE 18
from slobro to cryptobro SCORE 11
grin and beer it SCORE 3
week mindset SCORE 6
reel feel SCORE 5
shock humor SCORE 13
kool (visual) aid SCORE 31
checkout check-out SCORE 3
smokin’ not SCORE 12
cat-atonic state SCORE 30
short end of the femur SCORE 27
daisy duking SCORE 23
5 gum-ption SCORE 23
krill or be krilled SCORE 12
being egged on SCORE 23
pocket pal SCORE 32
furry finances SCORE 13
chicken run rapscallion SCORE 28