Let's start giving the good cops more recognition, shall we? SCORE 231

Youtube ads SCORE 9

Wonder how fast he was actually going… SCORE 171

What happens when 711 has a bring your own cup promotion SCORE 9

You’re Pam From The Office SCORE 225

Now we're asking the real questions SCORE 150

Wait Till You Cross The River SCORE 13

I hate when this happens. SCORE 18

He's gon' be snoopin' round yo house SCORE 95

History Would Be Much Better With Lightsabers SCORE 8

Audio Mistake SCORE 16

Absolutely Beautiful SCORE 13

Typing Accidents SCORE 197

Mother? SCORE 91

Has anyone actually ever been to a Denny's? SCORE 245

Yes. SCORE 234

Smooth Talker SCORE 230

Getting Rid Of The Annoying Pills SCORE 192

If Kim and Kanye were both drowning SCORE 7

Papa Roach’s New Song SCORE 2

New year, new me SCORE 14

Cats Don't Follow Laws of Gravity SCORE 13

Luke From Modern Family Is Awesome SCORE 230

My favorite thing SCORE 166

Today I Learned Half Birthdays Are A Thing SCORE 7

Miracle on 6 train today SCORE 63

Clever Moth SCORE 14

Death Star watermelon. SCORE 12

When you look away for a second during class… SCORE -8

My multitasking skills SCORE 15

I Know Kung Fu SCORE 13

Oh the irony SCORE -4