How it feels to be in love. SCORE 213
Turns out they do look at the signatures. SCORE 267
Well, time for bed. SCORE 3
Why the internet is obsessed with cats. SCORE 65
Pet me a little… Like this… SCORE 250
Star Wars Episode VII. SCORE 147
Mastermind of Physics SCORE 15
The History Channel these days. SCORE 140
All the bacon & eggs. SCORE 63
Fun Fact SCORE 8
Work it baby, work it. SCORE 180
The truth about mixed nuts. SCORE 201
One can o’kitty, please. SCORE 160
Trololololo. SCORE 199
How snake-charming actually works. SCORE 181
When I hear my crush talking about me. SCORE 158
Whenever I hatch an evil scheme. SCORE 201
Dogs as type. SCORE 4
How Cinderella could have ended. SCORE 93
Sledding at 1000 frames per second. SCORE 48
Stank Breath Prank at ‘Most Honest College in America’ SCORE 37
Microwave mug cake. SCORE 109
When My Crush Talks to Me SCORE 2
The most hated woman on Earth. SCORE 6
Reasons to be a cat. SCORE 5
my dog knows more than me SCORE 1
Most hated people of my childhood. SCORE 246
Why Bane wears a mask. SCORE 159
Airport logic. SCORE 150
A dramatic surprise on an ice-cold day. SCORE 86
How Star Wars could’ve ended. SCORE 140
Trololololo. SCORE 267