It’s happening SCORE 169

My Japanese Cat Loves To Sit Near My Rice Cooker SCORE 145

Work in retail! SCORE 97

Somewhere something went wrong. SCORE 114

It’s flooding after heavy rain in New Orleans but the bars are still open. SCORE 91

Fun with boxes. SCORE 105

This message at the bottom of my cereal bar box SCORE 133

♫ I’m walking on sunshine ♫ SCORE 104

Jazz for your soul SCORE 92

Every linen for themselves SCORE 143

Caution: To Avoid Melting, Do Not Place Owl in Direct Sunlight SCORE 86

The Nerve Of Some People SCORE 152

Some Harsh Realities SCORE 132

Let’s be real here… SCORE 131

An Artist Left A Dress In The Dead Sea For Two Years SCORE 120

How to look like Batman, using your cat SCORE 83

My Type Of Drugs SCORE 72

Pillow people. SCORE 137

The Wrong Medicine SCORE 243

Babe, Are You Still Mad? SCORE 117

Heck SCORE 108

Tesla perks SCORE 87

Show me the way SCORE 154

Iris Window Shade SCORE 117

When lame reaches a new level. SCORE 117

Amazing Decoration You Can Only See In The Darknes SCORE 82

But This One Tastes Like Bird SCORE 88

Be nice. SCORE 147

The Kellett XO-60 is an "Autogiro" which operates as both a prop plane and a helicopter SCORE 51

Rat dog SCORE 71

Photographer belly flops to add splash effect SCORE 140

He’ll make a good friend. SCORE 139