Can’t reach a nail? Juggle hammer it!!! SCORE 212

When someone walks by and they smell really nice. SCORE 129

When you own a cat. SCORE 90

TV these days. SCORE 116

Pun! SCORE 194

Hover animals. SCORE 159

I could watch this all day. SCORE 154

That didn’t work… SCORE -1

You’re doing it right. SCORE 299

Family pride restored. SCORE 259

I hate when this happens. SCORE 309

Dogs are smart. SCORE 216

Poor Bruce. SCORE 186

That did not go as planned. SCORE 133

The Walking Dead is Toy Story. SCORE 289

The case of the disappearing Chapstick. SCORE 180

The reverse pick-pocketer. SCORE 116

These kitties are naturals. SCORE 128

When boys are like a brother to you. SCORE 91

How much I love my sixpack… SCORE 203

Trust fall! SCORE 144

Cos B SCORE 16

Scar! Brother! SCORE 228

Clever girl. SCORE 26

Surprise! SCORE 64

if hunger games went Disney… SCORE 261

This would actually be pretty awesome. SCORE 133

Careful what you wish for. SCORE 214

Whenever I turn on shuffle. SCORE 157

Whenever anyone tells me to smile and I’m in a bad mood. SCORE 153

RIP Richard Griffiths, the perfect Vernon Dursley. SCORE 272

hipster princesses SCORE 143