On the phone with mom. SCORE 160

I don’t always talk to people with swag. SCORE 208

Life. SCORE 210

How I see my classmates vs. how our professor sees us. SCORE 184

That awkward moment… SCORE 405

How I want to react vs. How I actually do. SCORE 176

I could eat a… SCORE 289

I’m a towel. SCORE 344

Ice cream antisocial. SCORE 95

Problem solved. SCORE 284

I am majestic. SCORE 129

Poor T-rex. SCORE 96

How to be cool. SCORE 140

Basically just drop everything. SCORE 173

Reality. SCORE 238

America as seen by The United States. SCORE 66

Dad?! SCORE 197

Logic. SCORE -48

Abstinence. SCORE 292

Scumbag banana… SCORE 196

Mind. Blown. SCORE 262

It’s over between us. SCORE 210

Teach your children well. SCORE 275

At first, we were all like… SCORE 326

Cool wave is cool. SCORE 228

Toddlers and Tiaras. SCORE 235

I love people who can make me laugh… SCORE 312

Fancy sit down dinner at my college apartment. SCORE 124

There is a person out there for everyone… SCORE 102

Every song. SCORE 101

Meanwhile, in India. SCORE 163

You look like a nerd… I still love ya… SCORE 261