Yes, he’s watching Ratatouille. SCORE 109

This Pillow Was Attempting A Pre-emptive Strike SCORE 42

When You Introduce A Dog To An 8 Year Old Cat… SCORE 86

Colorful cactus SCORE 53

Birthday? Whose Birthday? It’s My Birthday? SCORE 58

Dog-friendly holes SCORE 122

He made his bed and ofcourse he had to lay in it… SCORE 85

Canadian temperature conversion chart SCORE 101

To Boldly Go SCORE 79

Have some respect. SCORE 92

Priorities. SCORE 90

My friend Edgar. SCORE 149

What’s the matter, Bill? SCORE 99

World map mural SCORE 124

Well I tried SCORE 110

Babushkitteh SCORE 74

God Speed, Starman. SCORE 76

Give me all the gay shows SCORE 82

If You Can Tune Into The Fantasy Life Of An 1 Year Old SCORE 50

It’s A Trap! SCORE 71

Doug Jones – The Talented Actor You Never Knew SCORE 155

My husband on the happiest day of his life. SCORE 118

Dirty van looks like a Bob Ross Canvas SCORE 92

Scumbag teeth SCORE 98

Obligatory GTA meme SCORE 82

Ninja Husband SCORE 42

Well that was poor planning. SCORE 99

You’ll never find all the bombs in time, Batman! SCORE 97

Students saluting a USSR veteran, 1989. SCORE 98

Nutella for parties. SCORE 41

All these years later and it’s still her favourite toy SCORE 134

Favourite childhood memory SCORE 93