Spiders have no idea how cool their webs look. SCORE 23
Golden brushtail possii are cute. SCORE 29
Please stop mowing the lawn, Charlotte… SCORE 22
What sound would it make? SCORE 31
The great refillining. SCORE 32
Paper straws are for the turtles. SCORE 21
By golly it IS a pen wing! SCORE 43
Can google birb vidz ples? SCORE 27
You can do this. SCORE 47
The stretch is known. SCORE 36
Pupper disagrees. SCORE 17
It puts the lotion on… SCORE 35
It actually is this SCORE 35
When the guy behind you keeps kicking your seat SCORE 21
You really nailed it, pup. SCORE 31
Here come the pig. SCORE 43
Sparkling anxiety spritz… SCORE 45
It’s not really funny, per se… SCORE 20
Touring the world with your best doggo. SCORE 29
You go. SCORE 37
Harvard grads… basically. SCORE 43
luvutoobye *click* SCORE 29
Penwing instincts. SCORE 30
Local police think they funny. SCORE 34
Danny, please. SCORE 35
Hah! Look at this idiota! SCORE 32
Nailed it. SCORE 39
Getting my roommate to clean SCORE 40
Doggo, tell us about yourself… SCORE 30
Gaze in to the potat🥔 SCORE 33
Suddenly round of applause! SCORE 47
Bask in the glory… SCORE 19