…and now my kids suffer the same cruel fate SCORE 68
Unless it has nuts SCORE 36
He dreams big. He bites big SCORE 34
No snooze needed SCORE 34
Dibs on the room where the widow hanged herself! SCORE 45
I plead the 5th SCORE 31
Take a seat. This could take a while SCORE 57
When will time travel be invented? SCORE 35
A hideout and a home SCORE 56
Disney is inevitable SCORE 40
I don’t trust myself, either SCORE 27
He’s never lost an escape room SCORE 30
And then teacher call on you SCORE 41
Don’t take me back to the ’70s SCORE 8
The bear had it coming SCORE 47
What did he expect to happen? SCORE 58
Guy Fierbi – the mayor of WTF SCORE 41
Happy happy hippo SCORE 47
At least you tried SCORE 15
Doggo is done with walk SCORE 35
Please… go on! SCORE 54
As if Crocs weren’t bad enough before… SCORE -27
When you realize the tables have turned SCORE 25
I’m an insomniac SCORE 35
That golden God feeling SCORE 43
That’s actually a pretty cool name though SCORE 48
Gotta test the fresh litter SCORE 27
Only extremely terrifying, yeah? SCORE 24
Mom, look what I found in the sand! SCORE 51
All about that dice roll SCORE 42