I hate seeing pics of animals who had nothing to do with this pollution trapped in our trash SCORE 185

Nothing To See Here, Just Taking A Duck For A Walk SCORE 15

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SCORE 16

Good nitrogen SCORE 108

On The Way Back From The Club And Your Jam Comes On SCORE 15

Donald drumpf in all his glory… SCORE 12

Fred and George are their actors SCORE 214

When Someone Tells Me That They’re Ticklish SCORE 84

Old house in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) before being demolished SCORE 110

Girl flipping off the Trump tower SCORE 149

Jellyfish Lake SCORE 138

Wispy clouds SCORE -31

A lion’s brother is also a lion! SCORE 120

That’s how you earn money SCORE 123

At job interview SCORE 8

Meow SCORE 225

Somehow that doesn't make me feel much better SCORE 196

Don’t worry little child, your future is in my hands. SCORE 10

When your windowless van isn’t creepy enough SCORE 10

Al-Gebra terrorist SCORE 133

The birth of coleslaw SCORE 16

Classic Meeting SCORE 124

Officer Jumps Into Flooded River To Save Drowning Dog SCORE 168

I hate when things like this happen SCORE 11

This Guy Is Living The Dream SCORE 171


A university is not a safe space. SCORE 91

That face SCORE 14

A joke my grandma told me SCORE 87

My hotel room has a doorbell for deaf people. It flashes all the lights in the room when you ring it. SCORE 13

Timewarp SCORE 117

Apparently This Cat’s Knees Are Inside His Body SCORE 17