You already know too much. SCORE 219

If you had to choose… SCORE 11

Left-Handed Facts SCORE 8

You murdered so many of us already! SCORE 7

A tragic romance story SCORE 15

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore. SCORE -48

Companion cube truth SCORE 13

How dinosaurs are made. SCORE 208

A Daddy’s letter to his ‘Little One’ and her future husband. SCORE 62

I named my dog “5 miles” SCORE 121

America lately. SCORE 209

Words. SCORE 4

US Soldiers in Iraq – The Ding Dong Song SCORE 3

What time is it?!? SCORE 8

Licky Clam SCORE 5

Snakes can fly?! SCORE 159

That’s enough time with my kitten, tiny hooman. SCORE 259

Owls are weird. SCORE 267

Resisting a rest! SCORE 203

Hey, Mother nature! SCORE 17

Meow… SCORE 9

Level: Mauraders SCORE 22

The Oxford Comma SCORE 8

Burn. SCORE 453

Baby pandas. SCORE 154

Thanks, smoke alarm. SCORE 238

Slenderman shuffle SCORE 5

Even dogs have standards. SCORE 214

Camas Prairie, Idaho at sunset. SCORE 242

The more you know. SCORE 338

Probably. SCORE 182

Then fill the glass with water. SCORE 185