Which is it? It’s whichever sells. SCORE 73

In memory of the Cassini probe SCORE 96

Proud veteran SCORE 169

Go home Uber. You’re drunk. SCORE 164

Twice isn’t enough SCORE 130

Gourmet Dinner SCORE 158

Cause this is Thriller.. Thriller night.. SCORE 68

Strange tastes SCORE 101

Couldn’t be more true SCORE 101

Progress pics SCORE 125

Comparison of Jupiter’s Big Red Spot with the Earth SCORE 60

A New Way to Wear Jewelry SCORE 95

Requiem for a G SCORE 57

Musicians as mythical creatures SCORE 66

iPhone takes a photo when somebody tries to unlock it three times SCORE 148

IT in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia SCORE 78

Remember Rick Moranis SCORE 107

The Person Who Discovered Honey SCORE 105

Too real SCORE 90

Pocket Bible. SCORE 129

Plastic Surgery Anonymous SCORE 113

2,000 year old Olive tree in Greece SCORE 148

Every single time SCORE 55

when the professor walks in in a fursuit SCORE 153

Mesmerized SCORE 82

Hippo boye SCORE 134

May I have something? SCORE 42

Carved from a single piece of chestnut SCORE 117

One of my favorite Pam and Jim moments. SCORE 147

My boss texted me this today, and I love it. SCORE 68

John Mayer and Katie Perry SCORE 143

Sometimes I watch porn on my phone, so not everything’s bad… SCORE 45