Why Castiel is my favorite character. SCORE 203
Tumblr… SCORE 8
Science humor. SCORE 281
Stunning Portraits With Animals SCORE 20
Christian level 157. SCORE 144
A tour of the British Isles in accents. SCORE 98
Angry birds grenade. SCORE 144
The lion and the…dog. SCORE 187
Build Your Own Dalek SCORE 8
Part of the family. SCORE 174
Lorde of the Rings SCORE 232
I ship them and them!!! SCORE -4
Unborn animals in the womb. SCORE 181
I Had To Share This SCORE 279
Yes, women must not know… SCORE 185
Physically physically physically fit! SCORE 228
Owl landing in slow motion SCORE 160
Bear-er of bad news. SCORE 119
I Want to Live On My Own SCORE 142
My Brain… SCORE 13
Rules Don’t Apply to the Rich SCORE 219
Politicians discussing global warming. SCORE 184
Elephant carving. SCORE 197
Meanwhile in the UK. SCORE 224
States and strange laws. SCORE 19
Loki and his brother. SCORE 181
The best part is that “Henrickson” keeps a straight face. SCORE 24
Girls and their complaints. SCORE 79
Internet friends vs. real friends. SCORE 14
Hedgehog yawns. SCORE 152
Procrastination Dalek SCORE 16
Being Told No SCORE 403