Please be troll. SCORE 230

Laura was a genius. SCORE 196

Gimme kiss boo. SCORE 164

What the fox? SCORE 11

Hiiiyaa *boop* SCORE 15

Doctor’s orders. SCORE 164

The rule of the beard. SCORE 60

‘Murica SCORE 16

It’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with… SCORE 13

Are you at a Hipster Wedding? SCORE 10

Did you know? SCORE 293

The tiniest bunny. SCORE 257

I didn’t see you at camouflage practice today SCORE 23

Are you a carbon sample? SCORE 170

Because, cute. SCORE 18

Trollololo SCORE 248

Well, I’m not sure what I was expecting… SCORE 224

When I get too rotund I roll everywhere… SCORE 9

Wisdom. SCORE 208

Server’s RW she finds out that she just got tipped $200 SCORE 275

Cat-holic meeting. SCORE 22

Before you judge others… SCORE 151

Elijah Radcliff or Daniel Wood? SCORE 35

How Beyoncé got her strength. SCORE 229

Swagspeare. SCORE 134

Nicolas Cage finally turns down a roll SCORE 25

I have done nothing at all SCORE 17

Faith in Humanity restored. SCORE 393

Like a boss. SCORE 14

Flip from tight rope to skateboard SCORE 163

My intentions for old age. SCORE 270

Meanwhile, in Texas. SCORE 16