Anti-aging SCORE 67

I Have Always Been Self Conscious Of My Toe SCORE 69

Welcome! SCORE 142

That’s a lot of money to us SCORE 137

Netflix And Chill – 1998 SCORE 92

The most annoying kind of couple SCORE 172

M’am do you know how fast your heart was going? SCORE 160

Just sent this digital gift card to my brother… thanks Amazon! SCORE 36

Here we goooo! SCORE 82

Totally not a coup SCORE 109

When People Argue About Global Warming Based On The Weather Where They Live SCORE 113

statistics are fun SCORE 182

Priorities SCORE 75

Let me tell you a secret SCORE 139

God works in mysterious ways SCORE 137

Galileo said it best. SCORE 99

Doggo friendly fence. SCORE 97

This deer for sale on Craigslist SCORE 101

Google gooooo SCORE 161

What did he do? SCORE 117

Undeserving of such cuteness SCORE 172

Nathan causing a stir. SCORE 144

Cockroach donuts for some reason SCORE 26

The nightmarish African Buttikofer Epaulatted Fruit Bat SCORE 49

Game breaking glitch SCORE 165

Paint the world SCORE 169

Semi trucks napping in their natural habitat SCORE 86

Chris Pratt with his son dressed up for Halloween SCORE 125

Unbridled Joy! SCORE 146

Martin Luther King being arrested for demanding service at a white-only restaurant in St. Augustine, Florida, 1964 SCORE 89

Cozy place near the river in Belgium SCORE 144