This dying leaf looks like it’s pixelating SCORE 106

Gender neutral things to call your SO SCORE 6

Makes sense SCORE 102

Tell me I’m pretty SCORE 90

This kitten likes to hide in a jar… SCORE 101

Something good from the Killer Clown thing SCORE 26

This changes everything SCORE 100

Flying a drone through fireworks SCORE 127

The funniest parking fine appeal ever SCORE 170

I grew up here SCORE 155

Nerd jokes SCORE 47

The Man in a Mask SCORE 58

I speak Chinese SCORE 161

Out here pushing for real change SCORE 117

Dentists are scared of you SCORE 94

Toucan gets a 3D printed prosthetic beak SCORE 104

"What’s a Period?" SCORE 129

CRAZY Bicycle Flip SCORE 164

Is Mr. Clean gay? SCORE 117

The work of a genius SCORE 90

The Husky That Was Raised By Cats SCORE 140

Thankfully I survived SCORE 139


A Starry Night above Chicago SCORE 100

This was predicted by a guy at Mission Viejo High School in California in his senior quote…in 1993. It’s been verified by several people I went to high school with. SCORE 113

This chandelier turns your room into a forest SCORE 88

Get. Out. SCORE 122

Amputee girl and dog at a prosthetic technology conference SCORE 109

Tunnel Through Fallen Sequoia Tree at Sequoia National Park in California – to give you an idea of scale, the tunnel is over 8 feet in height. SCORE 85

Hermione SCORE 65

Dirty deals done in broad daylight. SCORE 70

The Atoms Family SCORE 96