First world habits. SCORE 159

One two three DEATH!! SCORE 193

No tears shampoo SCORE 194

The horror! SCORE 187

The more you know. SCORE 132

Infinity stone. SCORE 133

Wi-fighting SCORE 21

Strahov Library SCORE 168

Grizzly cub playing with a wolf cub SCORE 187

25 ways to say no. SCORE 125

Suspension. SCORE 129

My Alarms SCORE 143

This is my life… SCORE 176

7 week old boy has hearing aids on for the first time SCORE 264

The wooden VW Bug SCORE 181

In the break room SCORE -1

Fandom problems. SCORE 142

Miss… miss… miss… SCORE 175

Two points! SCORE 18

Space vampire. SCORE 141

Kisses SCORE 136

Break ups. SCORE 91

The salmon send their best assassin. SCORE 141

This is called flexibility!!! SCORE 17

The Girl Scouts’ more aggressive sales campaign. SCORE 166

Not so subtle insult from Full House SCORE 157

Why there are very few white guys in the NBA SCORE 139

Where it all began… SCORE 106

Movies that can be described with same sentence. SCORE 159

Smooth… SCORE 153

The meaning behind Rock, Paper, Scissors. SCORE 193

Kids these days will never know the struggle SCORE 144