What if SCORE 14

The perfect girlfriend SCORE 153

Too the point advertising in Thailand SCORE 13

Truth About Chocolate SCORE 8

Going Out With The In-Laws SCORE 112

Like seriously what? SCORE 206

If You Find A Spider In Your Bed SCORE 113

America vs Canada SCORE 132

The Most Self-Damning Thing I Can Imagine SCORE 156

Friendship Bracelet Win SCORE 11

Canadian Road Rage SCORE 11

I feel ashamed of myself for only realizing this just now SCORE 107

Better Buttons For Facebook SCORE 112

5th Year Students Be Like… SCORE 16

Hit her like a ton of bricks SCORE 145

Can confirm SCORE 176

Luckily You’re That Kind Of Friend SCORE 129

Feed Me Your Children SCORE 14

When A Kid Asks You Why The Sky Is Blue SCORE 141

A gross fact SCORE 7

Badassery at its finest! SCORE 7

Got rid of the baby SCORE 168

Romantic Life Alternative SCORE 7

Barbie 1959 – 2015 SCORE 103

Spider bee SCORE 6

How to be a Jerk SCORE 13

Minter is coming. SCORE 153

Nooo its soo comfy here staphhh SCORE 113


Whenever Someone Asks Me To Share Food SCORE 9

Lift Up Your Hearts SCORE 149

Whenever I Leave My Cat Alone SCORE 135