Hair Growth Rates SCORE 116

England and American SCORE 176

Accurate. SCORE 179

It would be a blast SCORE 207

They can't hit anything SCORE 11

Let’s face 2017 with enthusiasm SCORE 71

Chris Hemsworth SCORE 167

You trying to make a joke that doesn't offend anyone SCORE 58

Children are SO mean… SCORE 121

Maybe I’m Catching The Flu SCORE 12

Capitalism SCORE 13

Chainmail SCORE 154

Me to a tee SCORE 121

SOMEBODY didn’t think this through. SCORE 192

1.5 Million Balloons SCORE 144

Let that sink in SCORE 153

This Girl Captures What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful SCORE 176

Happy New Year from Sydney SCORE 81

Please make me famous SCORE 131

The resemblance is uncanny SCORE 206

Foxy Mug SCORE 7

I believe in you! SCORE 145

So That Is What Best Friends Are For SCORE 0

Nick Offermen's thought on Chris Pratt SCORE 190

That escalated SCORE 155

Butternut squash, kale and carrots, oh my SCORE 122

2015 was a crazy year SCORE 103

When Arab's first class looks better that your house SCORE 9

Every. Single. Time. SCORE 12

Couch pugtato. SCORE 83

Why brain, why?? SCORE 169

That would be awesome SCORE 159