Existential Nightmare on Elm Street SCORE 64

"Could I just try a little sample?" SCORE 156

Take Your Kids To Work Day SCORE 95

Consider my day ruined. SCORE 71

Damn, science side. SCORE 137

Bottom of an iceberg that just rolled over SCORE 102

Does your dog bite? SCORE 132

LoOk At Me I’m A hUmAn SCORE 72

This Gym Is Doing It Right SCORE 120

The Three Face Theory SCORE 80

Lord of the ducks SCORE 106

Glitched SCORE 150

Homeschool Marching Band SCORE 142

Sign at local burger restaurant SCORE 214

A car with a pup holder SCORE 135

Considering it… SCORE 54

Next thing you know, it’s three hours into your shift SCORE 158

Birds SCORE 173

Freaking deadbeats SCORE 83

MRI scan of broccoli SCORE 131

I see no otter way out…. SCORE 104

Remember to put the glass down. SCORE 92

Miss me with that parenthood SCORE 106

The Nerf war at my office has become a game of readiness… SCORE 87

This Currency Is More Valuable Than Any Other SCORE 142

Am I a good girl? What even is a good girl? SCORE 91

Then why’d you give this nickel to me?! SCORE 76

That’s not how any of this works… SCORE 85

Elmo Does Memes SCORE 59

Walking past office coworkers, that you don’t know well starterpack SCORE 91

He thought he had it figured out SCORE 107

From introvert to extrovert. SCORE 102