Whole Ice Cube SCORE 88

The man knew his lore. SCORE 89

Postcard from the North SCORE 35

Dairy Council Finesse SCORE 73

Rock on. SCORE 42

Waiting the storm out. SCORE 52

This hippotato SCORE 71

Good Boy sees all SCORE 65

boil the government SCORE 77

If only there was something more we could do… SCORE 28

Ken 1985 vs Ken 2018. SCORE 35

Tupac made it on a gardening calendar. SCORE 60

A Turtle Dove, allege SCORE 79

Iqbal masih, the child that helped end child labor SCORE 94

The most memorable snatch and grab… SCORE 42

Get dead, human. SCORE 57

You’ve crossed the line… SCORE 65

Huggy seal, huggy seal. SCORE 105

Timezones cause more problems than they solve. SCORE 77

Happy environment noises SCORE 107

She enjoys the peanus. SCORE 66

Captain Canada is sorry, generally. SCORE 75

When it’s election day and you’ve never really been in to politics… SCORE 49

Facts for everyone. SCORE 73

This guy… SCORE 49

Absolutely it is. SCORE 72


May your days be short and sweet. SCORE 71

The truth SCORE 80

I’m not sure what I was expecting… SCORE 41


Sweet Home Alabama SCORE 37