Life Goals SCORE 198

I'd like to thank SCORE 167

old people SCORE 240

Soap For Hipsters SCORE 3

Queen Fooling Around SCORE 15

Bring Me The Toilet Paper SCORE 11

We know who the strong independent woman is here… SCORE 200

Passing Notes In Class SCORE 12

A Starling SCORE 162

The Problem With Math Tests SCORE 149

I Guess She Lost Her Law Suit SCORE 140

Books are better than sex SCORE 241

Leos SCORE 4

The Funniest Sign Against Student Loans SCORE 12

Nature Is Certainly Beautiful SCORE 7

Note: Spaghetti fits perfectly in a Pringles can SCORE 9

Dr. Seuss explains pregnancy. SCORE 8

My favourite movie SCORE 232

Be Considerate SCORE 11

Matryoshka doll pregnancy. SCORE 10

He's gotta get about somehow SCORE 112

Couldn't Get A Babysitter SCORE 7

Sassy SCORE 9

Black and diabetes SCORE 10

Highway is faster SCORE 14

Legit bruh…light weights ;) SCORE 173

Everybody hates Twilight SCORE 219

One Of The Weirdest Things I’ve Found On The Internet SCORE 10

It’s Close, I Can Feel It… SCORE 11

Daniel radcliffe memes SCORE 15

That’s what the government wants you to think. SCORE 203

Proof that this fact is fake SCORE 200