Please be troll. SCORE 371
Why you should ride a bike more. SCORE 176
Whirled beat. SCORE 144
When nerds get married. SCORE 225
Me too. SCORE 60
Every time I have a birthday. SCORE 192
Dang girl! SCORE 100
So that’s how it works… SCORE 55
A chemistry lab is like a big party… SCORE 152
I’m not anti-social… SCORE 144
Because, reasons. SCORE 137
Things I can remember… SCORE 89
I must go, my people need me. SCORE 88
Why I can’t get a job. SCORE 235
Accurate. SCORE 152
How to be a jerk. SCORE 87
Math. Not even once. SCORE 113
The power of video games. SCORE 128
Smooch. SCORE 141
What a wasted opportunity. SCORE 213
The early bird can have the worm. SCORE 136
But It’s So True…. SCORE 8
The holidays in a nutshell. SCORE 256
Being married… SCORE 111
Chair vs. Gun. SCORE 283
Blind people problems. SCORE 143
Hedgy the pencil holder. SCORE 226
How to foil a plan. SCORE 378
When life gives you lemons… SCORE 142
Poor Sara. SCORE 198
Whenever I try to ask a girl out… SCORE 231
May you never forget what is worth remembering… SCORE 130