Pineapple SCORE 107

Life advice SCORE 152

Those Eyes Make Me Uncomfortable SCORE 8

Using Someone Else’s Shower SCORE 148

London at night SCORE 131

Amazing Soccer Trick SCORE 12

Dangerous frozen yogurt prank SCORE 140

Photographers will do anything to get a good photo SCORE 121

"This guy is so rich, he has a swimming pool in his swimming pool" SCORE 112

Date The Food Cans SCORE 123

Let's See Some Scary Stories SCORE 12

We’re Not Dumb, Microsoft SCORE 6

You’re So Wrong, Cereal Guy SCORE 128

Double corgi fatality SCORE 5

Annie, are you OK? SCORE 6

Punctuation Is Important SCORE 5

Ya done goofed, Brad, ya done goofed. SCORE 132

Read, then re-read SCORE 183

Dawn SCORE 3

Master Has Given Winnie Candy Winnie Is Free SCORE 11

Majestic SCORE 119

When something you bought gets stuck in the vending machine SCORE 7

Safety first SCORE 207

Antivacination is stupid SCORE 150

Celery SCORE 7

Basically sums up my dogs SCORE 5

It's just the way they are SCORE 139

Reasonable logic SCORE 126

Beautiful clipping design on a horse. SCORE 148

Rough Childhood SCORE 11

The Best Story Behind Birth SCORE 149

Yep, Story Of My Life SCORE 13