The ultimate warrior. SCORE 12

Happiness. SCORE 7

You make a good point SCORE 5

This is why nobody likes you, Bing SCORE 16

Little Armenia SCORE -4

Tiny hamsters on a tiny Valentine’s Day date. SCORE 26

Ariel is so cruel. SCORE 7

Humans love packaging. SCORE 170

Flash. SCORE 163

The foodzone SCORE 160

Some perspective. SCORE 244

Cover your eyes! SCORE -2

When the music artist you hate has a catchy song. SCORE 8

This is Mekong, the newest resident of Edinburgh Zoo SCORE 12

When I leave a party when I’m drunk. SCORE 10

Yep. SCORE 167

Why spelling is important. SCORE 5

Don’t look a gorilla in the eyes SCORE 127

The struggle is real. SCORE 8

Work. SCORE 161

Will you play with me? SCORE 147

Mormons. SCORE 377

Pleasing women vs. pleasing men. SCORE -4

Hipsters. SCORE 11

Yeah! Go for it! SCORE -9

Prorammers vs. the users. SCORE 10

So confused… SCORE 11

The Italian edition of Harry Potter SCORE 206

Why was 6 afraid of 7? SCORE 16

When Tumblr got creepy SCORE 130

Thesaurus. SCORE 154

Let me eat you SCORE 7